Monday, July 9, 2012

New Picture

I'm at my cousin Ssammy's house and he has a huge computer monitor so I had some fun taking pictures of myself on Wizard101 XD :D

Just thought I'd like to share it with you guys while I continue procrastination of any productivity at all.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Awesome Wizard101 Commercial

Okay, is it just me, or is this THE AWESOMEST COMMERCIAL EVER?!

Seriously, I love this commercial so much. It's so awesome and awe-inspiring and every time I see it on TV (which is a lot) I get this tingly feeling and it makes me want to write or play or just DO something about Wizard101!

It's really cool and I love it and yeah. It gives you a lot more depth and insight into the world of Wizard101, right?

And today I realized Wizard101 would make the awesomest movie ever. Seriously. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THIS! WOULDN'T A WIZARD101 MOVIE BE THE COOLEST THING EVER?

Uh...yeah. That's about it. Part 3 is coming along really slowly and stuff, but this commercial makes me want to write more about it. Maybe if I watch it enough I can actually start cranking out a lot.

But my flashdrive with my story on it is at home so...