Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hey, guys!

What's that? I promised that part one of Cori Deaththorn and Magician's Daughter would be up by now? Well, I never! I never--

Okay, yes. Yes I did.

But I have good reasons!

No, seriously, I do. It's not the usual procrastinating thing again.

See, tomorrow after school there's this talent show tryout and I've been wanting to join...

Yes, you read that right. Me, useless oaf with no talent, joining a talent show. What will I be doing? Singing and playing the piano, of course. (Unoriginal.) Anyway, for the past few days and today I've been practicing the piano accompaniment. It's going kinda slow. I know the gist of the whole song, but I can't sing along yet, and I can't play the whole thing.

Thank goodness I have no homework. When I remembered I was so glad and happy. The weather outside's marvelous. Nice and really cool, dark, gray, cloudy (probably some more storms later).

Cori Deaththorn is coming along great, by the way. It's...seriously. It's really coming along well. I'm really pleased. So expect it soon after tomorrow :D

Just a little quick update.

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